Hervey Bay

Virtual Whalewatch (Grades 4-8)

Hervey Bay Virtual Whalewatch provides a simulated whale watching experience complete with sights and sounds, expert narration, and interactive educational activities. The program experience will take approximately one hour, and can be utilised for whole-class instruction or individual student participation (each on their own devices).

Hervey Bay Virtual Whalewatch is available now.

Click here to request a program

Watch videos from previous virtual programs below

Únase a nuestra Directora de Investigación para Ecuador, Dra. Cristina Paola Castro, en esta capacitación en español para operadores de embarcaciones en Ecuador. Está abierto al público para que todos puedan aprender y disfrutar.

Join our Education Manager live from her home as she teaches about humpback whales through a fun activity that you can do at home. This session will be fun for the whole family. Parental supervision and assistance is recommended. To participate at home, be prepared with the following before you tune in: paper (any kind, including scrap), scissors, tape.

Pacific Whale Foundation’s Chief Biologist Stephanie Stack will present preliminary results of her research on the impacts of commercial “swim with whales” programs in East Australia.

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